Videos in Spanish are such a great way to incorporate more spoken input into your lessons. I’m always looking for ways my students can hear someone else speaking Spanish.
Plus, the catchy ones will get in their head and really help them remember new words!
I hope this collection of Spanish videos will be helpful. Let me know if your favorite isn’t on here–I’d love to add to the list.

Spanish Videos for Teaching Colors
Spanish Videos for Teaching Shapes
Spanish Videos for Teaching Numbers
KidsTV123 (count to 10)
Super Simple Español (count to 20)
Señor Howard (count to 20)
Señor Howard (11-15 focus)
Basho & Friends (count to 20)
Señor Howard (count by 10 to 100)
Spanish Videos for Teaching Weather
Spanish Videos for Conversation
RLRA (¿Cómo estás?)
RLRA (¿Cómo estás? basic)
Mi Camino Spanish (¿Cómo estás?)
Señor Hodge (¿Cómo estás? song)
Calico Spanish (¿Cómo te llamas?)
Stories by Señora (¿Cómo estás? basic)
Spanish Videos for Greetings & Goodbyes
Basho & Friends–Hola Amigo
Basho & Friends–Buenos Días
Basho & Friends–Hasta Mañana
Spanish Videos for Teaching Family
Language Learners–Familia Dedo
Toycantando–Familia Dedo
Pinkfong–Tiburón Bebé
Spanish Brain Break Videos
1,2,3 Andrés–¡Salta, Salta!
Baila Baila–Da una Vuelta
Baila Baila–body parts